What is the typical cost range for custom metal logo labels for handbags?

Custom metal logo labels for handbags can vary in cost depending on several factors:

The type of metal used:

Brass or aluminum labels are typically the most affordable, ranging from $1 to $5 per label.
Stainless steel labels are mid-range, from $2 to $8 per label.
Precious metals like sterling silver or gold are the most expensive, starting around $10 or more per label.

The size and thickness of the label:

Smaller, thinner labels (around 1 inch or less) are more cost-efficient than larger, thicker labels, especially when using higher-end metals.

The complexity of the logo design:

Simple stamped logos or engraved text are less expensive than intricate designs with detailed etching, cut-outs or inlays. 3D embossing also adds cost.

Finishes and coatings:

Polishing, coloring, lacquering or applying protective coatings to the labels also adds to the overall cost.

Order quantity:

Like most manufactured items, ordering a higher volume of labels lowers the per-unit cost due to efficiency and materials savings.

Additional attachments:

Chains, jump rings, key rings or other attachments for the logo labels create additional labor and materials costs.

The manufacturer location:

Working with an overseas manufacturer may reduce costs compared to a domestic supplier, although product quality is something to consider.

Overall, you can expect to pay:

  • $1 to $5 per label for basic brass, aluminum or stainless steel labels with simple stamped logos in small quantities.
  • $3 to $10 per label for more complex designs, larger sizes, higher-end metals and larger order volumes of 500 pieces or more.
  • $10 per label or higher for precious metal labels, highly detailed multi-process designs, and smaller runs of 50 to 100 pieces.

The exact cost for your custom metal clothing labels will depend on the specifics of your design and order, but these ranges should help budget your handbag branding project.